January book review: Waltzing with Bears

Tom DeMarco and Tim Lister
Waltzing with Bears: Managing Risk on Software Projects

A very good, enjoyable book on the subject of risk management in software development.  The authors did an excellent job introducing the concepts of risk and uncertainty and will help you and your team lay a good foundation for discovering, assessing, and planning risks on your software projects.

The book comes with the Riskology Simulator available for download from http://www.systemsguild.com/riskology/. The simulator is pre-filled with five core risks using industry-wide data and allows you to quickly create an uncertainty diagram showing the impact of risks on your project. The simulator can be customized to meet your specific needs by adding your own risk factors or by overriding the core risks with your company's data.

I recommend this book to anybody interested in software project management. Happy reading!

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